The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1971
34 pp. Editor P.J.Mitchell
- Gibbaeum petrense - colour plate (P.J.Mitchell)
- Growing Cactus and Succulent Plants (T.M.Hewiit)
- A Neglected Genus (M.R.Martin)
- The Novices' Window Sill Collection (J.R.Martn)
- Cephalium Bearing Cacti and their Cultivation (T.Mace)
- New and Not So New (Clive Innes)
- A Collector's Guide to the Genera of the Cactaceae (P.Stacey)
- Branches of the National Cactus and Succulent Society in Sussex
The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1972
51 pp. Editor P.J.Mitchell
- Leuchtenbergia principis -colour plate
- Editorial
- Melocactus (T.Mace)
- Medicine of the South African Plains (P O'Hara)
- The Lasiacanthae Series of Mammillarias (R.Holt)
- A Preliminary Report on the Module Greenhouse Heater (G.Westwood)
- A Guide to the Mesembryanthemaceae (T.Hewitt)
The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1973
47 pp. Editors Maureen A.Holt and Robert C.Holt
- Editorial
- Adenia (Terry Hewitt)
- Echeverias (Ron Ginns)
- Theories on Cactus Evolution (Samuel Pyke)
- The possible Evolution of Frailea, Leuchtenbergia and Wilcoxia (Jeffrey Jones)
- The Agaves (Clive Innes)
- Succulentitis (Rosemary Huth]
- Windowsill Collections [Mary Anderson)
- Mexican Cerei in Cultivation {Tony Mace)
The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1974
55 pp. Editors Maureen A.Holt and Robert C.Holt
- Editorial
- The Genus Sulcorebutia (Brian Plunkett)
- Ten Choice Succulents (Terry Hewitt)
- Talking of Cacti (F.James]
- Concluding Report on the Module 7500 Greenhouse Heater (Geoff Westwood)
- Why Not Grow Aloes (Douglas Huth)
- Melocactus (Tony Mace)
- The Bad Lands of Alberta (Bill Stevens)
- How to Grow Cacti from Seed (F.James)
- Peruvian Cerei in Cultivation (Tony Mace)
The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1975
59 pp. Editors Maureen A.Holt and Robert C.Holt
- Neoporterianae (Brian Plunkett)
- Notes on Opuntia (David Jacobs)
- An Introduction to the Genus Sarcocaulon (David Jacobs)
- Showing your Plants (Frank James)
- Cleistocactus (Tony Mace)
- Flowers for Winter (Terry Hewitt)
- Hints for Beginners (Franck James)
- The Other Coryphanthanae (Robert Holt)
The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1976 - 1977
69 pp. Editors Maureen A.Holt and Robert C.Holt
- Some Interesting Plants of the Echinopsis/Pseudolobivia group (Tony Mace)
- Pseudococcidae - Their Life & Death (Brain Plunkett)
- Fishbone Cacti (Douglas Huth)
- Sex Amongst the Succulents (Frank James)
- Understanding Soils (David Jones)
- Sussex Soils (Various authors)
- Bulbs for the Succulent Colector (Terry Hewitt)
- Growing Ariocarpus (David Jacobs)
- Hints on Growing and Establishing Pachypodium namaquanum (David Jacobs)
- The Game of the Name (Frank James)
- Australian Miscellany (Louise Teare)
- Some thoughts on Arequipa, Matucana and Submatucana (John Donald)
The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1978 - 1979
69 pp. Editors Maureen A.Holt and Robert C.Holt
- Frontispiece - Nolina recurvata
- The Attraction of Lumps (Terry Hewitt)
- A Holiday Diary in East Africa - Animals, Birds and Succulents (Eric Double)
- What the Papers Say (Frank James)
- Trichocereus, Helianthocereus and Soehrensia (Tony Mace)
- Cacti Growing in Leningrad (George Wolsky)
- Sedums - An Introduction (Colin Walker)
- The Well Read Cactophile (Frank James)
- The Genus Sucorebutia - Part II (Brian Plunkett)
- Mammillarias - Their Size and Ease of Growth (Robert Holt)
- Some Aspects of Habitat Conditions in Tropical Alpine Areas (David Jones)
The Sussex Cactus and Succulent Year Book 1987
69 pp. Editor Paul Heath
- Xerophytic Trees and Shrubs for the Greenhouse (Terry Hewiit)
- A Survey of the Genus Discocactus (Sven Hjerson)
- Curtis's Botanical Magazine (Roy Mottram)
- Tephrocactus mistiensis (Paul Heath and Jeanette Histed)
- The Succulent Scene in 1872 (Colin Walker)
- Gymnocalycium friedrichii (Paul Heath and Jeanette Histed)
- Kew Gardens in 1837 (William Herbert)
- Sussex Succulents (Paul Heath)
- Key to the Genera and Subgenera of the Mammillaria Stage (Franz Buxbaum)
- Haworthia margaritifera and Haworthia umila (Paul Heath)
- Book Review : A.J.S.McMillan - Christmas Cacti (Will Tjaden)
- Book Review : N.P.Taylor - The Genus Echinocereus (Paul Heath)
Copies of the 1987 Year Book
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